Monday, September 19, 2011

International Day of Peace, Harry Potter, and Star Wars

Wednesday, September 21st is the 29th International Day of Peace. It was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 and first celebrated as Peace Day in September 1982. In 2002 the General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the permanent date for the International Day of Peace. By creating the International Day of Peace, the UN devoted itself to worldwide peace and encouraged everyone to work in cooperation for this goal.

So what does that have to do with Harry Potter and Star Wars?
Picasso Dove of Peace

Well, I had an epiphany this weekend. After watching the new Blue Ray 'Star Wars' edition and finishing the 'Harry Potter' book series I was buzzing, thinking about how much I enjoyed both series and wondering about their messages.

They were both successful because of their message of peace? No - but maybe, kind of - sort of. It's in there, if you look close enough and it's tied to something else.

Choice - I thought. Choice.

There are many wonderful messages about growth, hope, love, faith, justice and peace in the many HP and SW books/movies. But what stood out the most to me was the gift, the freedom, of choice.

Anakin had a choice. His choice was based on fear even though he loved Padme and his mother. He chose the dark side and his choice had some dire consequences for him and those he loved. Luke had a choice. His choice to be a Jedi and stand up for freedom and justice was based on love...the love for his father and his friends. He was scared but his choice wasn't based in fear. Luke chose peace - in the end he didn't fight - and his choice had powerful and positive consequences. Harry, like Luke, was scared but brave and his choice was also based on love. Well, you know how that turned out (in case you don't I won't give it away but at one point he makes a very similar choice to Luke's and does not fight).

The choice of peace is just that, a choice. It may not be easy. Sometimes it may be scarey. And for sure you have to practice it to get better at it. But it is a choice with profound positive consequences. This is one of those amazing freedoms we have that no one can take away, but it is ours to give away.

This Peace Day take a moment to silence yourself with many others around the world and fill yourself with peace. It is your choice.

Alexandra Gnoske is an Environmental Expert. She is the Author/Illustrator of "Loui Saves the Earth" and Founder of RECYCLE ME.

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