Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Great Outdoors 2012

I know there's a blizzard outside - at least in Chicago there is.

Female American Kestrel, our smallest falcon
But I can't help thinking about the great outdoors today. Because of the unusual weather this winter the bulbs are already popping through the soil and the birds are singing (well they were singing a couple of days ago). I even saw a female Kestrel setting up her nest by the church on Thursday. So I'm all worked up about getting ready for Spring - from planting seeds in the window box, to fixing up the strawberry patch, getting the outdoor compost going again, and planning my birding excursions for Spring Migration. Spring is on my mind...and getting outdoors!

(I had my hands in the worm compost the other day too - there's nothing like fresh soil to get your head into the mindset of Spring.)

I just finished this great book - "To See Every Bird on Earth" by Dan Koppel about his father's birding obsession. He was a big lister and saw over 7,000 different species of birds. Then I watched "The Big Year" with Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson all competing to see the most birds in one calendar year...I am so excited for Spring! If you you love birds and are all bundled up this weekend, pick up the book or movie, for some great entertainment and inspiration.

Me, I could never be a big lister - or competitive about birding. I love being outside so much but it puts me in a peaceful mood and I slow down for the moment. I can't imagine racing around and turning away from a bird once identified to chase another...although I do like seeing as many birds as I can. I enjoy a stillness, a oneness with nature.

Whether you can feel it or not, Spring is around the corner. So clean those trowels and get those starter seeds ready. The birds are already preparing! Get ready for the Great Outdoors.

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